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Gitxsan Chiefs' Weekly Update Jan 18, 2011

Gitxsan Chiefs' Weekly Update Jan 18, 2011
09 May 2011

Ministry of Forests and the Lower Skeena Watershed

Over the years, there hasn’t been smooth sailing between the Ministry of Forests (mof) and the Gitxsan in general. In the lower Skeena, there’s been many a skirmish led by the Eagles. This part of Gitxsan country is in the Kalum Forest District and that further complicates matters. On January 14th mof and the Gitxsan met again to discuss activity proposed in the west. The western Hereditary Chiefs are not convinced that mof attitudes have changed. Calvin Hyzems reminded mof of their 200–500 year plan. Cedar is the real concern because of its cultural value. meeting is regarded by the mof as consultation, but the mof walks away and seemingly does whatever it wants.

This time they demanded that this meeting was not consultation as they do not do not want a repeat of yesterday. There was agreement on that point and an exchange of information will happen with proper, clearer maps, etc. Art says that were just told of and what about the court judgment with regards to resources, that Art Wilson says we are to enjoy an inescapable economic component? Sharing the resources maybe? That economic component could be two or so blocks in area they can agree on. The Hereditary Chiefs complain that they have not seen a red penny and there is something wrong with that picture. Art Mathews does not shy away from being played with.

He says, “If you get tough, we’ll get tougher.” He also indicated that there is room to talk about what happens on the ground. They parted ways with am understanding of one other. There are many culturally significant matters, mushrooms, trails, and cabin
sites to rebuild. The next meeting will likely be the tell tale that things have changed.

Art Wilson